Memphis and Pearl: history and future

A proposed project involves the adaptive re-use of the former St. Luke's sanctuary building, a hundred plus years old but abandoned for a decade, along with the construction of a new six-story mixed-use structure. St. Luke'sTo accommodate the development, four existing buildings on the site will be demolished. Project leaders, looking toward revitalization of Old Brooklyn's downtown corridor, argue that the buildings slated for demolition are in poor condition, but as plans evolve and funding progresses, opposition from some community members persists. Preservation advocates, including the Historical Society, have raised concerns over the loss of historic structures, highlighting the tension between urban revitalization and the preservation of the area's heritage.

The development team consists of the Old Brooklyn Community Development Corporation, Pearl Road United Methodist Church, Desmone Architects, and Tipping Point. Follow the planning process and their concepts on the CDC website, "Planning the Future of Memphis & Pearl."

Learn the background of this important piece of downtown Old Brooklyn in a continuing series of articles by Lynette Filips in the Plain Press:

1: "Pearl Memphis intersection has long history," January 2024:
2: "Resident reflects on history of Old Brooklyn corner slated for redevelopment" February 2024:
3: "Old Brooklyn corner slated for redevelopment has spooky history," March 2024:
4: "Old Brooklyn residents' research sheds new light on the history of a cherished corner slated for redevelopment," April 2024:
5: "Are prominent citizens still buried at the Old Burying Ground at Pearl-Memphis intersection in Old Brooklyn?," May 2024:
6: "History of St. Luke's highlights importance of preserving corner slated for redevelopment," June 2024:
7: "A look at the history of some of St. Luke's neighbors," July 2024:
8: "History of Greenline Building offers a look at the past vitality of the intersection at Pearl and Memphis," August 2024:
9. "Old Brooklyn's Brookmere Cemetery included in nationwide cemetery tour," September 2024:
10. "Greenline Building has housed a wide variety of businesses over the years," October 2024:
11. "How the corner of Pearl and Memphis came to be included in the National Register of Historic Places in 2005," November 2024:
12. "A look at some of the buildings in Old Brooklyn's Historic District," December 2024:
13. "Cleveland City Planning Commission approves demolition of buildings in Old Brooklyn's Historic District," January 2025:
14. "New developments could influence the future of the corner of Pearl and Memphis," February 2025:

St. Luke's